Category: Blog

December 22, 2022

A Much Needed Update

One post every six months? Is that even a blog? Not to lean on tired cliches, but life has truly gotten in the way of my ability to write. Having a baby, juggling work and various daycare outages, and trying to find time to keep our house in order leaves little time for other things. Regardless of what’s going on, however, I have been able […]

April 17, 2022

I bought a new book!

That’s right. For the first time in 537 days I purchased a new book. It was just as exciting as I remember it being! The thrill of clicking that button, the ding of my email with the confirmation, the book waiting for me when I open my iPad. Oh, man. I’ve missed this.

January 2, 2022

2021 – A (Reading) Year in Review

Mostly a reading recap, that is. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the reason that my blogging has dropped to almost nothing of late: Laura and I welcomed our son into the world on November 26th. I’ve been able to maintain my reading pace, which is awesome, but finding time to write about things has been tough. In fact, I’m realizing that my […]

November 9, 2021

One Year in Review

Wow. It’s been a whole year since I started this blog. What started as a joke between my wife and I has become an endeavor which has both kept me working through the backlog of books I had acquired and made me think a little more critically about the books I read. So, to celebrate one year of blogging I thought it would be good […]

September 4, 2021

Catching Up, Part Two: Catch Harder

I feel like a post titled in that way deserves a movie trailer…you know the ones with that dude with the deep voice? “In a world filled with unread books, one reader makes a stand about walking away.“ Editors Note:I dig a little digging. That gentleman’s name was Don LaFontaine, and he recorded more than 5,000 movie trailers before his death in 2008. “In a […]

August 20, 2021

Catching Up

Wow. It’s been a bit, huh? The past few weeks have been pretty hectic. Work has been busy, my evenings have been occupied, and I was out of town for a bit. Add to that some server updates that were needed to keep the blog running and I’ve missed quite a bit of writing. But, thankfully, Dan not writing is not the same as Dan […]