April 29, 2021

Looking Ahead – The Timekeepers’ War

By Dan Cristelli

There’s nothing like a couple of heavy character-driven books to slow down that reading pace, eh? Oh well. I’m still way ahead of where I thought I would be at this point, so onward we go!

Let’s jump in to the next look ahead where I’ll be updating you on the book I’m currently reading, and answering these questions about the next book on the list:

  1. Why did I buy this book?
  2. Why haven’t I read this book?
  3. How am I feeling about jumping in to this book?

Currently Reading: Blood of Empire by Brian McClellan.

My Progress: Um…yeah. I’m behind. I finished this a few days ago.

Up Next: The Timekeepers’ War by S.C. Jensen, purchased on .

Why I Purchased This Book: Book club. I believe one of the members was in a writing group with the author and said that we should give it a shot for our next book.

Why I Haven’t Read This Book: That same member messaged everyone a few days later with something that amounted to “never mind – skip this one”. So I did.

How Am I Feeling About Reading This Book: Not great, as you can imagine. I’ll give it a fair shake, but I don’t have high hopes.