February 22, 2021

Looking Ahead #12

By Dan Cristelli

Let’s jump in to the next look ahead where I’ll be updating you on the book I’m currently reading, and answering these questions about the next book on the list:

  1. Why did I buy this book?
  2. Why haven’t I read this book?
  3. How am I feeling about jumping in to this book?

Currently Reading: Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn.

My Progress: Almost done! I didn’t think I would wind up finishing this one as I’d seen the movie and would have a lower tolerance for a slow book, but it’s been a good read.

Up Next: Dragon of Ash & Stars: The Autobiography of a Night Dragon by H Leighton Dickson, purchased on 8/14/2016.

Why I Purchased This Book: Price paid? $0.00. That’s right. It was free. And it had a dragon on the cover. Seriously though, I think I was intrigued by the thought of an autobiographical tale of a dragon.

Why I Haven’t Read This Book: This is another one of those “I’ll get to it someday” books. And I think someday is now here.

How Am I Feeling About Reading This Book: Indifferent? A spot check of the ratings shows a book that is liked by quite a few folks, but I’ve been burned by those in the past. I’m not expecting much, but we’ll see.