January 3, 2021

Looking Ahead #5

By Dan Cristelli

A new year always brings along with it resolutions, but I think this project is a big enough undertaking that I don’t need to harness myself to another commitment. I did set a reading goal on Goodreads of 30 books, which is above my normal 24-books-a-year pace. We’ll see how that goes.

Let’s jump in to the next look ahead where I’ll be updating you on the book I’m currently reading, and answering these questions about the next book on the list:

  1. Why did I buy this book?
  2. Why haven’t I read this book?
  3. How am I feeling about jumping in to this book?

Currently Reading: The Seventh Day by Scott Shepherd

My Progress: With about 100 pages left, I should be finishing this one in a day or two.

Up Next: The Inner Movement by Brandt Legg, purchased on 3/30/2014. This is a one-volume edition of a trilogy, so while it’s only counting as one title on my Kindle list, there are three books inside.

I’m trying to hold true to The Rules, and the next books on the list chronologically (Fireblood by Jeff Wheeler and Romulus Buckle & the City of Founders by Richard Ellis Preston, Jr.) will require additional purchases to stick with a trilogy so I will come back to them later.

Why I Purchased This Book: It was cheap. I paid $1.99 for three books…I mean, come on. Who can resist that? It sounded mildly entertaining, so I gave it a shot.

Why I Haven’t Read This Book: Who knows. Book club certainly played a role in me not getting around to this. I’m not familiar with any of the author’s other work, which didn’t increase my desire to read this.

How Am I Feeling About Reading This Book: I think the word I would use to describe my feelings would be curious. It sounded like an interesting premise, but then I looked at Amazon and Goodreads and this seems to be a young adult urban fantasy. This isn’t a bad thing, as I’ve enjoyed some YA books in the past, but I didn’t get that feeling from the synopsis.

We shall see!