January 24, 2021

Looking Ahead #7

By Dan Cristelli

I took some time recently and did some work on The List. I’ll blog about it as well, but I’ve got a nice clear roadmap of my next 50-something books and the order I’ll read them in. Progress!

Let’s jump in to the next look ahead where I’ll be updating you on the book I’m currently reading, and answering these questions about the next book on the list:

  1. Why did I buy this book?
  2. Why haven’t I read this book?
  3. How am I feeling about jumping in to this book?

Currently Reading: The Bible Repairman and Other Stories by Tim Powers.

My Progress: I only have 55 pages left, so I should be wrapped this evening with this one. As a collection of short stories, this was a quicker read.

Up Next: The Wretched of Muirwood by Jeff Wheeler, purchased on 3/7/2015. (Yes, it’s a time jump down the list…but there are reasons for this.)

Why I Purchased This Book: Wheeler is an author that uses Amazon as a publishing house, so they promote him heavily. Marketing works, and I saw this trilogy on the site. And, you know, it was cheap.

Why I Haven’t Read This Book: This is an interesting one – Wheeler has SO many books, and many of them are set in the same universe. I wound up struggling with the “what order should I read these in” conundrum. In fact, with all of his work being available on Kindle Unlimited, Wheeler is almost directly responsible for this blog.

But I’m here now, and just hopping in, so hopefully things will work out, reading order be damned.

How Am I Feeling About Reading This Book: I have no clue. A few of my friends have read his stuff and I haven’t heard them complain, so it should be mildly enjoyable.