March 26, 2021

Looking Ahead – Gods of Blood and Powder

By Dan Cristelli

I’m going to change the format of these looking ahead posts slightly. I still think the approach is useful, but I’m making two changes to help make these a bit more pertinent. First, I’m dropping the number convention. My original thought was that it would make it exciting when I got toward the end, but it’s just annoying. Second, I’m taking a new approach to books where I own the entire series – instead of having three looks ahead for a trilogy, I’m just going to do one at the onset covering all three books.

Hopefully this will make these posts a little less routine, and 50% of my regular readers requested this change. And I will give the people what they want!

Let’s jump in to the next look ahead where I’ll be updating you on the book I’m currently reading, and answering these questions about the next book on the list:

  1. Why did I buy this book?
  2. Why haven’t I read this book?
  3. How am I feeling about jumping in to this book?

Currently Reading: Sins of Empire by Brian McClellan.

My Progress: I’m close to 90% done, so I should have it wrapped tonight or tomorrow.

Up Next: The rest of the series: Wrath of Empire and Blood of Empire, purchased on 10/28/2019 and 10/8/2020, respectively.

Why I Purchased This Book: They were both on sale, and I was reasonably sure that I would like the trilogy.

Why I Haven’t Read This Book: McClellan’s books are good, but boy are they a lot to wade through at first. I’ll get into this more in the review.

How Am I Feeling About Reading This Book: Great! More progress!